
Mailing address: P O Box 55370, Washington DC 20040

Telephone: (202) 722-4218



Founder & Executive Director: Doreen Thompson

Co-Founders & Board Members: Basil Buchanan, Dorel Callender

2 Responses to Contact

  1. justwritepeach says:

    My name is Avion Anderson. I am a Freelance Food Writer and Food Blogger from Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago. My food blog at is a corner of the world where I share my writing and love for everything that is local sustainable food and great dining experience with a true Tobago style – from the backyard gardens and farms-to the kitchen table; even nutritional values and health benefits of local food, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices; inclusive of reviews of all the many different types of restaurants, cafes and other eateries on the island of Tobago; along with recipes, culinary/food events, shows and festivals, projects, my chocoholicness, personal experiences and so much more – all with that true total Tobago Experience and Style.

  2. devathompson says:

    Avion, sounds wonderful. I’ve recently become familiar with the high quality of cocoa produced in Trinidad & Tobago. On June 12, Sunday, NCAFFA has partnered with a Washington DC restaurant, Crown Bakery, which focuses on Trini foods to showcase some traditional breakfast dishes such as Fried Bake & Saltfish Buljol, Sada Roti served with Baigan Choka (roasted eggplant) Tomato Choka (roasted tomatoes). We are encouraging Caribbean food establishments to dig deeper and to showcase unique or different food cultures. We will suggest a Valentine’s event with a focus on T&T’s chocolate. What would you say is the major diff between the Tobago Experience & Style and Trinidad’s?

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